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Ecuador follows Chile, 20 BYD electric buses delivered

Not only Chile: BYD delivered 20 electric buses in Ecuador. The buses started operation in Guayaquil, the country’s second biggest city and are deployed by the private bus operator Saucinc. The order follows a pilot held between November 2017 and March 2018: the BYD electric bus carried a tota...

BYD double-decker buses. A major delivery in Xi’an (China)

BYD double-decker bus. 200 times. It’s the number of electric double decker bus units that BYD will deliver to the Chinese city of Xi’an. The Shenzhen based manufacturer launched on January 29th the world’s largest pure electric double decker bus fleet. BYD K8S was unveiled in late...

50,000 electric buses out of BYD factories in nine years

What we see in the picture is the 50,000th full electric bus produced by BYD. A striking number, if compared to the 2,200 (more or less) electric buses in circulation in Europe and the approximately 400,000 full electric buses in circulation around the world (99 per cent of them in China, as widely ...

BYD, first ebus in operation in Hungary

BYD delivered its first electric bus to the Hungarian market, where the Chinese company produces (at Komaron plant) vehicles for the European market, with the exception of France, which is served by another plant, that started operation a few weeks ago. The first electric bus BYD for Hungary will op...

BYD France delivers the two first ebuses realized in the new plant

The new BYD factory in France has produced the first electric buses. The plant is in Beauvais, in north France. These two first zero emission vehicles will be deployed in Agglo du Beauvaisis by Transdev. A ceremony has been held to mark the event. BYD plant in France is focused on the production of ...
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