The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council (HFC Bus Council) has formed a first-of-its-kind national coalition of public transit agencies, manufacturers, and suppliers working together to advance the hydrogen fuel cell electric bus economy and its applications in the public transit sector.

Founding members include MTD, SunLine Transit Agency, Stark Area Regional Transit Authority, Foothill Transit, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Utah Transit Authority, Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo), Interurban Transit Partnership (The Rapid), Intercity Transit, Sangamon Mass Transit District, Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, NFI Group, ENC, Hexagon Purus, Trillium, Ivys Energy Solutions, and Ballard

Hydrogen Fuel Cel Buss Council launched

The formation of the HFC Bus Council comes at a time of historic levels of investment in public transit, alongside nationwide commitments to transition fleets to zero emission propulsion, the organization says. 

The HFC Bus Council supports the adoption of battery electric propulsion systems and encourages the use of local, state, and federal resources to further build upon existing zero emission technologies. For more information, or to request to join the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council, please visit 

The mission of the HFC Bus Council «is to educate policymakers, regulators, and transportation stakeholders on the benefits of hydrogen fuel cell electric buses and related infrastructure. Through effective education and advocacy, the HFC Bus Council will expand the development, deployment, and utilization of safe, clean, and efficient hydrogen fuel cell electric buses, and create additional market opportunities to advance hydrogen fuel cell technology in the delivery of public transit services». 

The HFC Bus Council members share in the commitment to advance an environment that supports investments in and the deployment of hydrogen fuel cell electric bus technology.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council: a scalable zero emission solution

“I’m proud to be serving on the Founding Board of this organization, working to educate government officials and my colleagues in the transit industry on the viable and scalable zero emission solution that is hydrogen fuel cell technology,” said Karl Gnadt, HFC Bus Council Board President and Managing Director/CEO of the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (MTD). 

“Fuel cell technology is a proven path to extended-range zero-emission mobility, and we are on the cusp accelerating its deployment and delivering immediate greenhouse gas reduction, cleaner air, and quiet transportation,” said Paul Soubry, President and Chief Executive Officer, NFI, in a press note released by NFI publicizing the participation of the group to the initiative. “Through leveraging a public-private approach, the HFC Bus Council brings the best of all worlds together in educating stakeholders on fuel cell technology, advocating for funding, and sharing key learnings from deployments across America. NFI has been a fuel cell leader for over a decade, and the more momentum we build together, the healthier our communities are.” 


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